Babeybear, From your letter I can tell you are a beautiful and thin girl suffered social anxiety and a little depression, but for diet, balance is the key. If you don't take balanced diet. It would have negative effect on your depression.
Cholesterol, good or bad for depression?
In fact it has reported that if your cholesterol below about 4.42mmol/L(170mg/dL)then you have more chance of having depression, social anxiety disorder, stroke, poor memory and more chance of attempt suicide.
Why? The reason is the cholesterol, when decomposed, would be the material to compose the transmitters of the neurons, so it would largely influence your mood and memory.
Cholesterol is rich in meat, fish, eggs etc, so take enough cholesterol each day will help you to better your depression symptoms.
Babeybear, you mentioned that you always feel fatigue and dizziness, maybe it's not the symptom of social anxiety disorder, but low pressure, because of your excessive dieting. I recommend you to have further check by your doctor.
Taking carbs, good or bad for depression?
Taking carbs would be good for you.
But please note that eating sugar is not always good for depression.
It's reported that taking sugar will improve your mood, but make you sleepy and relaxed, no motivation for working, while protein/fat meals always enable you to be awake, alert, quick thinking and acting, bright and reduce depression.
It's reported that taking sugar will improve your mood, but make you sleepy and relaxed, no motivation for working, while protein/fat meals always enable you to be awake, alert, quick thinking and acting, bright and reduce depression.
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