Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Don't worry, everything is not always so perfect

I came across this comics today, don't know who is the author, but you can really tell something from it.
So do not worry or get depression because things are not always so perfect.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What is major depression?

Do I have major depression? I heard too many people asking me about major depression because they have insomnia and depression, or just loss of interest.
My answer is: No, you still far away from major depression because it has strict definition.
Here is a simple but widely misunderstood question: what's major depression and what's the major depression's symptom?
I listed 8 syndromes in the upper list. But here are more:
At least 5 of these symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks;
The symptoms must not be due to another cause;
There must be a change from previous functioning, along with functional impairment and/or distress.
The diagnosis is usually not made unless depression is creating a substantial amount of distress and impairment, such that treatment is a reasonable option.
Primary care physicians should attempt to treat depression unless there is evidence that patients are suicidal or psychotic;
referral to a psychia- trist is appropriate for these individuals.
Gender Differences in Depression and RePsychotropic Medication
Jack M. Gorman, MD Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts
Why say "major" ? Because it's the most serious depression. While "depression" only means mood disorder, that is the feelings of loss, sadness, anger or frustration interfere with your everyday life.

Why you have depression while the others don't?

I will show you the reason why you have depression while the others don't.
But first I would like to introduce a dual process model of cognitive vulnerability to depression to you.
(Ref: Cognitive vulnerability to depression: A dual process model. Here the "depression means unipolar depression")
According to dual process theories, humans possess two modes of information processing. An associative mode involves quick, effortless processing that rests on well-learned associations. A reflective mode involves slow, effortful processing that rests on symbolic rule-based inferences. Whereas the associative mode occurs automatically, the reflective mode operates when expectancies are violated and sufficient cognitive resources are available to respond. A cognitive vulnerability to depression is observed when negatively biased associative processing is uncorrected by reflective processing. The circumstances when this is likely to occur are reviewed.
Put it simply: You have two ways to tackle any problem(also discussed in our last post). One is easy while the other one is hard. When you believe its too hard and feel sad,
There is a trick to break this vicious cycle, also the key point of the upper figure:
Accurately adjust the associative bias: face the difficulties and solve that.
It means: First you have to distinguish between the easy procedure and the hard procedure. Then you have to judge properly about your ability and where you go next.
The trick is: always find your successful part no matter how small it is and always give yourself positive judgement.
Little by little, you will break this vicious cycle and come to your normal state.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Do you know the difference between depression and boredom?

Here is an interesting figure that vividly tell you what's the difference between anxiety and boredom.
(quoted from here:
Flow is the state when you get a balance of enough ability and skills.
If your work required more skill than your ability, you will be in the state of anxiety, if you have more ability than skills required, you will feel boredom.
There are two routes to get to your goal:
1. from the anxiety state, when you are in the anxiety state, you will think about increasing your skill to reach your goal.
2. from the boredom state, when you need to increase your ability as to take more work that needs more skills.

So where are you now?
Think about it and find the right way to get your final goal.

Truth about manic depression

Truth about manic depression:
Quoted from:
I love this girl's blog
Because there're quite a lot of misunderstandings about manic depression.
Most of her article is scientifically right, so it's worth for you to read it, especially if you want to know manic depression
I believe that mental illnesses such as manic depression, unipolar depression and schizophrenia have a biological basis.
I also believe that nature does not always oppose nurture and that in the case of mental illness, both have a part to play.
I believe that the treatment of mental illness should have equal priority to the treatment of other long-standing physical conditions.
I believe that by and large, the mental health services in the UK are underfunded, understaffed and undervalued.
I believe in the importance of crisis centres and continuing care.
I believe that mental illness can’t be cured, but managed. And I don’t think that believing this is defeatist.
I believe that it is never weak to take medications or to go into hospital.
I believe that mental illness are not personality weaknesses and are not our fault.
I believe that untreated, mental illness can be as terminal as a physical illness and that mental illness needs to be approached and treated more effectively.
I believe that the media fuels ignorance and fear surrounding mental illness and that there should be more public education surrounding mental illness.
I believe in ending the spreading of misinformation about mental illness.
I believe that mental illness is ordinary. One in four people find they have depression at some point in their lives. 1% of the UK population have manic depression. A further 1% have schizophrenia.
I believe that there’s nothing wrong with having a mental illness. I also believe that you can deal with it in any way you want to. You can think of it as a gift, and that’s okay, and you can think of it as a force you want to fight, and that is okay too. I believe that it’s no-one’s business how you think of your mental illness. Whether you feel it is a part of you, or something outside you, or even both, is up to you.
I believe that people who have from mental illness should reclaim the negative words attributed to it. Looper is a particular favourite.
I believe that there’s nothing wrong with taking the piss.